The Sea Beast
My favorite movie is Sea Beast, which is about a young girl named Maisie who lives in an orphanage. Her mother and father were monster hunters, but unfortunately they ended up passing away. Maisie then decides to leave the orphanage and soon finds another monster hunter in a bar, Jacob, and she tells him that she is interesting in joining his crew. There, she ends up meeting Captain Crow who allows her to stay, and trains her to hunt monsters.
Later into the movie, Jacob and Maisie end up getting separated from the boat, where Maisie ends up realizing that the monsters out in sea don’t actually want to hurt anyone. This is when Maisie meets a little monster named Blue.
As we approach the end of the movie, Blue goes back to the kingdom to prove that the monsters haven’t done anything wrong. This movie is my favorite because I enjoy watching films intended for younger kids, and how the characters had their own individual personalities, as well as character development. The message of the movie was to shine a light on heroes who don’t have all their morals straight.