X-Box at its Finest


Aodhan Williams, Staff Writer

 As we all know the Xbox has been out for many years now, it all started with the birth of the original Xbox on November, 15, 2001, the Xbox then evolved into the Xbox One which came out on November 22 2013. Now the world of gaming is brought to a whole new level, let me introduce to you the whole Xbox One X!

This brand new addition to the Xbox family was released on November 7th of this year. Its current starting price is $499.  Luckily for all the people who have the original Xbox One or Xbox One S, you will still be able to play with your friends that are getting this new console, because the gaming softwares are compatible. Microsoft is also planning to use “super sampling”  on the Xbox One X to make all these new games that are coming out appear in 1080p T.Vs!

With the release of this new console, the battle between the Playstation and the Xbox has returned. This has always been an intense battle, but now with what this console has to offer the main question is which one is better? Looking back at the four years both of these consoles have been in the midst of the gamer world, both have gotten the attention of gamers across the world. According to “Business Insider,” though Playstation is not the most popular console ever, which it is not far from being, it is shy of reaching 60 million consoles sold. Xbox, however, only sold about 26 million copies, which is a huge margin between these two consoles.

Now maybe with the release of the new Xbox, this might help the Xbox copies rise back up in numbers. A huge factor in which Playstation might have more consoles sold is that Xbox sells their products for $100 more than what the Playstation does.  However, for families who may suffer a financial difficulty they would be more likely leaning towards buying the Playstation to put a smile on their children’s faces this Christmas.