September for Seniors

A look at the last year for two senior students

Aleyna Koch

More stories from Aleyna Koch


September is a tough time for everyone, new schedules, new teachers, new assignments. Students have so much to adjust to. Two Seniors, James Baulsir and Chris Bias, share their thoughts on an new school year with The Charles Street Times. James and Chris both attend Boces, one for auto-motive and the other for Carpentry. James is an adventurous, considerate, and reliable person. He enjoys skating and hanging out with his close friends. James is very practical and persistent. He won’t stop until he’s achieved what he is working for. James skates everyday; he’s competitive and dominant in his skating life. After high school, James is going to help fight for our country as a Marine. This has been his dream since he was little. After four years of training and fighting, he then wants to go to college for another one of his dream careers, which is auto-motive. Chris, is an affable, straight-forward, and helpful friend. He also enjoys skating and hanging out with his close friends. Chris also goes on a train after school to see his grandmother in the city. He rides his longboard everywhere he goes. He’s close friends with James. After graduating LHS, Chris does not want to go to college.

When asked how it feels to be a senior James explained “ I’m happy that it’s the end, but I’m going to miss it.” Chris, on the other hand, is happy to start getting into his career and making money. When asking about their new and final schedule, they replied, “Yes, were very satisfied.” It seems both boys are quite happy with their schedule. As an senior, students are already making plans for their future.  When asked about life after LHS, Chris stated that he does not want to go to college and that his career after high school would most likely be carpentry. Diversely James, is going to college after the military, one of the main qualities he has to get into the college is his experience with cars.  When asked about the most important thing that they have learned, which will guide them and be most useful as an adult, James replied Social Skills and Health. James also stated, “If you treat people kind and be a good person, it will spread goodness into others and return back to you.” Chris, had an completely different answer.  He feels that math is the key to life because it is the most widely used subject in the world.

Naturally, both seniors have goals that they would like to achieve before graduating. The two articulated the goal of getting a license and money. When asked what they will  miss most from LHS, both boys revealed what is so special about these years and our Lindenhurst community. “Being around people,” James replied. Chris stated simply, “The memories.” All in all, these boys are excited about the prospect of leaving school and starting to become an adult. At the same time they know they are going to miss the school and it’s memories as the school year comes to an end. You’ll soon be signing your peers yearbooks, and than putting on your cap and gown to walk up and grab that diploma!