Lauren Dawnkaski, Ranked 19th in the Class of 2019
Lauren Dawnkowski: The Dancer
Through commitment and diligent effort, senior Lauren Dawnkowski has managed to make great academic strides and has now been ranked nineteenth in the graduating class of 2019.
While working hard to maintain her grades, Lauren also participates in several extracurricular activities. She is captain of the Dance Team, plays in the orchestra, and even has a job as a dance teacher outside of school. Her love for dance does not end there, as she dances “over thirty hours a week.”
Although she is currently unsure of her career path, with her dedication and passion, there is no doubt she will find continued success in whatever she decides to do. Optimistic about her future nonetheless, she says that in ten years she “hopes to have an idea of a career.”
Throughout her time in high school, she found inspiration most often in her mother. “She motivates me and pushes me to do better.” As she nears the end of her high school career, she describes her last year as “bittersweet, exciting, and nerve wracking.”
Looking back on her time spent at Lindenhurst High School, Lauren says that what she will miss most is her friends. She also notes that her favorite class was AP Calculus, saying that Mr. Ehrhardt is her favorite teacher.
Lauren ends by bringing attention to the most important lesson she learned over the course of the last four years, which was “to not procrastinate.” On her success, she gives thanks to her “parents, because of their encouragement.”