Jelly Bean
Meet Mrs. Gentile’s cat, Jelly Bean!
Jelly Bean belongs to Mrs. Gentile and she is a Domestic Short Hair cat. Jelly Bean loves affection and will meow at you until you pay attention to her and give her the love that she wants. She is a playful little cat and loves to chase pretend mice around the house. Jelly Bean greets Mrs. Gentile every morning when she comes downstairs; she sits with Mrs. Gentile when she is getting ready for her day and waits by the window for her owner when Mrs. Gentile gets home in the afternoon. Jelly Bean is a rescue cat from Save-A-Pet. Mrs. Gentile got her when she was six months old. Jelly Bean was born in the shelter and her mother as well as her litter mates were all adopted. Jelly Bean will be 13 this summer. A little fun fact given to us by Mrs. Gentile about cats is, black cats are often the largest population in shelters because people have many superstitions about them.