Leadership Honor Scholarship

J. Kelly

Gift Guide for a Wrestler

Wrestling is the toughest sport out there. And wrestlers need to keep up with their gear. Gear is constantly getting dirty, loaded with sweat, or straight up ripped and destroyed. So Christmas time is a great time to help a wrestler out. The number one thing to get a wrestler for Christmas is a new pair of wrestling shoes. The top wrestling shoes currently out there are Nike Inflicts, Nike Freeks, and Asics Aggressors. All of these shoes will put a smile on the face of a wrestler on the 25th. Along with their new shoe swag, you should also get them some things that they need. During the course of a high school or college season, wrestlers will wear out knee pads quickly, so knee pads for wrestlers is a great gift. Preferably the McDavid compression knee sleeves. They provide great comfort and are very flexible for all the funky positions that wrestlers will get into. If you really want to get funky with it, one last thing you could get a wrestler for Christmas is a new singlet. Though they won’t be able to use it during their high school season, they could wear it for offseason tournaments. A nice singlet and a nice pair of shoes could get the whole gym’s attention. And if you look good, you feel good, you will wrestle good! 

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