Virtual Reality: The Hero For Many


Arianna Avila and Arianna Avila

For centuries, people could only imagine escaping into a world that possesses no need for caution, no stress, and no responsibility. Many had actually believed that it was impossible to go into another world, however, they were proven wrong in 2010. Palmer Luckey, an American entrepreneur, is the founder and designer of the Oculus Rift. The Oculus Rift is a Virtual Reality headset that has not only made it possible for us to escape our everyday lives, but also made it possible for us to see games and videos from a whole other point of view. There are many games that are created just for VR. These games simulate realistic scenarios to help you feel more immersed in the game. After all, who wouldn’t want to be a part of their favorite game?

Virtual Reality doesn’t only give us entertainment with the many games and videos, but can also be used to help people with anxiety as well as help soldiers who have come home with PTSD. Yes, this one unlikely tool can make it much easier for thousands of people. It can transport them to different place and time. Once you put on the headphones and headset, you are instantly transported to a three-dimensional world. You can have tons of fun at a huge amusement park, explore an underwater world, or even be brought to the one thing that triggers an attack. Once you are immersed in the world, a professional will guide you around and help you fight and get past the very thing you fear. Many people were happy to see that our technology today can help with our current problems. Doctor Albert Rizzo even commented to Business Insider on the topic stating, “Finally, the technology has caught up with the vision in this area.”

The way Virtual Reality helps is by using it as an exposure therapy. Exposure therapy is a type of psychological treatment that was actually developed to help people with their fears. There are certain scenarios that one can be put in, in order to help deal with their problem. It is scientifically proven that exposure therapy is one of the best treatments for both PTSD and certain Anxiety disorders. If a soldier has PTSD, they can put on the VR headset and be put in the same situation they were in before. With the help of the professional, they could get the help they need in order to slowly come to terms of what has happened. The same situation applies to ones who suffer from certain Anxiety Disorders. If something triggers your anxiety, you can use the VR headset to help you through it. Although these can’t fully cure PTSD or Anxiety, it can help people cope with the situation.

Technology has evolved into magnificent things. Not only can we get immersed in an amazing world, but it can also help us with our real-life problems. It can help us cope with traumatic events and help us with our battles. Technology has truly changed for the better.