TobyKeith Becomes The Oldest Living Dog


Sheyla Santos

On April 27th, 2022 Chihuahua Toby Keith turned 21 years old and became the oldest living dog. About 21 years ago Floridian Gisela Shore, found a puppy who was up for adoption at the Peggy Adams Animal Rescue League and decided to take it. Little did she know that this dog had the heart of a fighter. Gisela Shore named this little pup after her favorite country rock singer Toby Keith, as she believed that it was comical that her small little pup was named after such a big rockstar guy. Shore believes that TobyKeith is her emotional support animal as he has helped her get through her first ever divorce and her new happy marriage.

Shore says that Toby is like her bodyguard; he never leaves her sight and always makes sure she is safe before himself, even at his old age. Many of you are probably wondering if this old dog has any health issues. Surprisingly, old TobyKeith still has all of his teeth but was diagnosed with heart disease which he takes daily medication for. This heart disease however did not stop him from celebrating his legal age to drink! Alcohol is not recommended for dogs but is not harmful or toxic, so to celebrate the big 21 Toby did indeed take a shot out of a red small solo cup. What a beast! Also, on his birthday he ate some of his favorite carrot muffin and went out for a ride in his car. Shore states that Toby takes great pride in his car rides. Shore also had a cockapoo that lived for 18 years. She believes that the secret to longevity in animals is most importantly love and other factors such as exercise, maintaining a healthy weight, and plenty of exercise. The story of TobyKeith can show people how dogs from shelters can live a while. Never underestimate a dogs ability because they were not expensive or from a breeder. Every dog needs a home. Now, the phrase “You don’t look a day over 20” might actually make TobyKeith chuckle. If dogs can do that.