P.S. I Love You Day


Courtesy of M. Scharf

Advisors ~Ms. Scharf and Ms. Ruggerio

Giuliana Barberio, Staff Writer

Most people are familiar with P.S. I Love You Day, but not many people know what it’s really about and what coincided with it. One day a young middle school student from Long Island, Brooke DiPalma, was dropped off at school by her father. They had exchanged ‘I love you’s’ before she headed off into the building. That sadly was the last sentence her father ever said to her. Only a few hours later, Brooke was taken out of school and was informed that her father committed suicide. Since then, P.S. I Love You Day is celebrated on every second Friday of February. Although it’s a sad story, it is a very important one that more people should be know. 

Brooke’s father was a very good and positive person.  It doesn’t make much sense as to why he took his own life, but because of it more people know to look and care after their loved ones. You never know what someone could be dealing with. You might have notice that the week leading up to P.S. I Love You Day, staff and students are encouraged to wear the color purple to fight against the world of bullying and depression. LHS also places post-it notes on lockers that say positive, motivational, and caring quotes on them. You would be surprised how just a few words can really impact someone’s life.

Courtesy of J.Kelly

With Covid-19 at hand, the Student Council wasn’t able to do the traditional post-it notes on lockers, but they still wanted to do something for this very special day. Those of the Student Council personally printed out each saying ranging from “You Matter’ to “Climb that Mountain and Shoot for the Stars” and gave them to teachers to hand out during their first period classes. Just this simple act can be a big step into making the world more of a safer and loving place. Someone could be battling a tough fight with depression and giving them one of these sayings could quite possibly save their life. It’s important to make sure everyone feels they have a purpose and are loved, for you would want someone to do the same for you.

In honor of Brooke DiPalma’s father, may he rest in peace.