A Day in the Life of a JV Field Hockey Player at LHS

April 16, 2021
Ashley Genovese, a freshman at Lindenhurst High School, has taken on the opportunity of playing field hockey during her freshman year. Despite the challenges there are with playing sports during the pandemic, they were finally allowed to have their season. Ashley is the captain of the JV Field Hockey team and has played games with the varsity team as well. The season has just ended and she has told the CST what a day in the life of a JV field hockey player at LHS is like.
On an away game day, Ashley starts her day by waking up at six and preparing for school, with the exception of wearing her uniform on game days to school. Then, she heads to the bus stop and rides the bus to school. During the day, [she is] so excited, yet nervous for the game.” After school, the team goes and gets ready for the game, and hops on the bus to head to the away team’s field. Once they get there, they watch the first three quarters of the varsity game. During the fourth quarter, since she is team captain, “[she takes her] team and leads some warm-ups, stretches, and drills to prepare for the game.” Once it is time for the game to begin, she has to flip a coin and the flip of the coin, whether it lands on heads or tails, determines the setup of the field. For example, “which team sets up in which goal, and gets started on the game.” After the game, they bring the equipment back to the bus, and head back to the school, and head home.”
During the season there was only one Covid scare and it was from a girl from another team. For Ashley, “this season was fun. We have lost a lot of games, but we have really improved as a team. We had four total goals this season! I cannot wait to get back to playing with my team next season, and hope to one day make the varsity team in the future.”
In conclusion, Ashley was able to have a great season of field hockey despite the conditions we have to face due to the pandemic, and cannot wait to continue playing with her wonderful team next season!