Why it is Important to Learn an Instrument
November 3, 2021
It is very important and beneficial for someone to learn an instrument. It is a way to learn your favorite songs, impress people, and express your emotions through music if you choose to go down that path. Brain activity is at an all time high when you play an instrument. It is a very good exercise for your mind because you are doing multiple things at a time when you are playing an instrument. Obviously, it’s going to be very hard at the start when you’re playing buzzy guitar notes or making your saxophone squeak. It is going to take a lot of time. It takes a lot of patience and practice and it can be frustrating. I’ve been there a lot of times while learning a new instrument. You should practice to the point where you have a hold on your instrument and can play at a decent level where you can learn intermediate songs. Once you can jam on a guitar or play something randomly on an instrument, you’re at a good stage. It is very beneficial because it is good to have on a resume and you can join a school band or maybe play in a band outside of school. In conclusion, it is very important to learn an instrument because it can be beneficial in many ways that involve mentally, emotionally, and academically.