4 Fun Facts About Pitbulls

April 27, 2023
Pitbulls are most known for their muscular shape, strong jaw, and even a violent personality. However, pitbulls are much more than their bad reputation that most people know, so here are four fun facts about pitbulls that not many people know.
- Pitbulls are from Britain
The pitbull’s origins can be traced back to the British 1800’s. Originally breed to be fighting dogs, pitbulls are made up of many different breeds, such as the bull terrier and the English bulldog. They only got the name “American Pitbulls” as a result of English immigrants traveling to America and bringing their dogs with them.
- Pitbulls do not have “locking jaws”
As pitbulls are known for having a strong bite and a short temper, the topic of their “locking jaws” also comes up. Now although this rumor is well known, it is not true. Their jaws work the same way any other dogs would. This misconception comes from years of pitbulls being known as fighting dogs or being significantly more powerful than other dogs. Even though pitbulls are strong, they don’t have the strongest bite force like most people think.
- Pitbulls are incredibly easy to train
Pitbulls are very active, and intelligent dogs which make them great for training. Since pitbulls were originally bred to be fighting dogs, they were bred to be an easier dog to train. Pitbulls are even seen being used in law enforcement and narcotics detection because of their ability to be trained and their strong will.
- Pitbulls were on the cover of Life Magazine more than any other dog
When pitbulls began to gain more popularity, the media started to perceive them as loyal, friendly, and hardworking dogs. This new perception of the dogs helped to influence pitbulls becoming the mascot of the second World War, as well as them appearing on the cover of life magazine three times during the 1900’s.
- https://www.petfinder.com/pet-adoption/dog-adoption/reasons-why-pit-bulls-rule/
- https://www.animalfarmfoundation.org/no-pit-bull-dogs-dont-lock-their-jaws-and-other-myth-busting-facts/
- https://www.pawtracks.com/dogs/are-pit-bulls-easy-to-train/
- https://thesmartcanine.com/what-pitbulls-bred-for/
- https://www.michiganhumane.org/celebrating-the-pit-bull-life-magazine-models/#:~:text=The%20USA%20admired%20this%20breed,more%20as%20’regular%20dogs‘.