Leadership Honor Scholarship

The Charles Street Times

Leadership Honor Scholarship

The Charles Street Times

Leadership Honor Scholarship

The Charles Street Times


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Deadpool & Wolverine


Soon to be coming to theaters this summer, Deadpool and Wolverine are making a comeback. The scheduled release date of the third movie of Deadpool and ninth of Wolverine is the 26th of July. Starring Ryan Reynolds as Deadpool and Hugh Jackman as Wolverine, Wolverine is recovering from his casualties when Deadpool comes in to team up with him to defeat their enemy, Cassandra Nova, played by Emma Corrin. 

Let’s get a recap on the three characters listed. Deadpool is the alternative of Wade Wilson, he has immortality, superhuman strength, and more. In his first movie, he fought Ajax, his creator, then Cable in the second movie with the help of Firefist. Wolverine, also known as Logan or James Howlett, has metal claws, healing powers, and physical traits. Wolverine is also in a group called the X-Men, which Deadpool was asked to join many times, but refused because of it being something he wouldn’t be able to take seriously. Cassandra Nova hasn’t had any movies with her in it besides this one, but she’s an original X-Men supervillain. She has powers such as telekinesis, magic, shapeshifting, etcetera. Cassandra is also known as Professor X’s twin sister, with the name Cassandra Xavier. 


In the last Wolverine movie, Logan dies by X-24, so how is he alive and kicking? In X-Men, there is a device called the Temporal Dial, which allows time travel to any point in history, as was shown in Deadpool 2 by Cable. Cable would go back in time to save his daughter, then back to his present. Originally, this device had only two charges to go back to the past and back to the user’s present. As one goes back more and more, it would take the user forward in time, only a year or so before their present. From this evidence, watchers can guess that Deadpool used this device to go back in time for Wolverine to fight Cassandra.

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