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All Is Fair In Love and War

All Is Fair In Love and War

The long awaited Bridgerton season 3 was recently released on Thursday, May 16th of 2024. Fans were angry and anxious for a new season for a while as there are a lot of characters, complications, and it’s a very complex story so the writing and the meticulousness of the process takes time. 

What caused fans to be even more angry was the fact that the season is being released in two parts and not all at once. Netflix is sending out only 4 episodes out of the 8 until the next part comes out a month later on June 13. This brought about a lot of controversy because some fans don’t mind it and enjoy it so they are less tempted to binge, while others are livid and would rather have had the season come out all at once. Being that they already had to wait a while for the season to come out, they believe they shouldn’t have to wait to continue watching it. 

The leading lady of season 3 of Bridgerton is Penelope Featherington and she is now 19 years old. In past seasons she was 17 and 18. This season is based on her love story with one of the Bridgerton brothers, Colin. 

Penelope was worrying about her position in the marriage market, having been in society for three years and is now worried about being a “spinster” at 19. The season deals with a lot of relationship drama, friendship, family, romance, and brings you through a rollercoaster of emotions. It is a great series and the romantic drama keeps viewers hooked. It is a very historic show and takes place in the early 1800s, so there are very old references and events that aren’t used as much today. It is a very interesting show and is already in the top 10 on Netflix very shortly after its release of part one.

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About the Contributor
Aleena Pawa
Aleena Pawa, Staff Writer
Aleena Pawa is a sophomore in Lindenhurst High School. This is her second year writing for The Charles Street Times. Aleena is a first generation Indian American. She is the youngest of two kids, her older sister is a junior in high school. Aleena enjoys watching shows, listening to music, and hanging out with her friends. She cares deeply about her friends and family. She has played soccer and softball in middle school. Aleena now does track. She loves to travel with her family and they have been to many places in Asia, Europe, and the Caribbean. She makes great efforts to achieve academic excellence and works hard in school to obtain good grades. In her spare time she likes to watch New Girl and Gossip Girl. Aleena is very excited to continue her journey with The Charles Street Times.
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  • S

    Samantha NussJun 2, 2024 at 5:44 pm

    I loved this article! It goes into the depths and structure of the show and even includes the dates of when each part of the new season will be released. It gives insight into the show and what it is all about.
