“Monsters: The Menendez Brothers” is a true crime series that dives deep into the well known case of Lyle and Erik Menendez. The show tells about the brutal murders of their parents, José and Kitty Menendez, in their Beverly Hills home in 1989. It digs into the brothers’ wealthy lifestyle, the shocking crime, and the intense trials that fascinated the world.
The series provides an in depth look at the background of the Menendez family, showing the possible motives behind the murders, including allegations of abuse as well as sexual abuse. Through interviews, courtroom footage, and intense analysis, “Monsters: The Menendez Brothers” aims to give viewers a brief understanding of the case.
Although this show is based on the Menendez brothers case, this is not a documentary. This show was filmed and scripted in a dramatized way. Whether you’re a true crime lover or new to the story, this series offers a compelling look at one of the most notorious criminal cases in American history.