Call of Duty is Back

Thomas Vine, Staff writer

Call of Duty is going back, back to World War II to much surprise and cheers, but does it live up to the hype? First let’s start with the campaign. The game opens up with you getting introduced to your squad mates whose names are so forgettable you could just call them “the guy who gives you grenades” or “the guy who gives you health pack.” You read that right health packs. In the campaign, regenerating health is gone in favor of a health bar and health packs. The campaign should take you four to five hours to complete assuming you’re not a completionist. The story is forgettable, it’s just you and your squad driving back the Nazis, but the most shocking thing to happen is the game does not end with the end of the war or the death of one key guy as most other CoDs do, instead it’s just you and your squad trying to survive the war and complete their objectives.

But most of you will barely touch the campaign, so let’s get into what you really want, the multiplayer and let me say it’s pretty darn good. First, let’s start with the introduction of divisions. Divisions are a part of your class that give you abilities like perks and you unlock more abilities by playing and leveling up that division. There are five divisions, airborne, armored, infantry, expeditionary and mountain.  Airborne’s main ability is a suppressor (way to innovate guys) and is mainly build around moving fast and killing faster. Mountain are snipers and they can hold their breath to stop the sway of the scope (again way to innovate  guys).  Armored has an LMG bipod and is able to, if leveled up, be immune to tacticals but other than that he is really underpowered. Infantry have bayonets and can pick up more ammo but other than that it’s pretty O.K. Expeditionary has incendiary rounds these are only for shotguns, but they are powerful and can use more grenades than others, this one may sound overpowered but a competent person with a rifle or sniper can shut these people down faster than you can read that sentence. The maps are alright; there is no one bad or great map for that matter. The only map there has ever been an issue with was U.S.S Texas because it’s a sniper’s paradise: long lines of sight, and not a lot of cover. There is this under part of the map where you can use other guns, but if you’re outside you’re dead before you can react.

Now let’s get to the zombies, which was also really good to my surprise. This one has a prologue where you play as one of the characters trying to get to a house and once inside she(you) must fight off undead until you can escape. But that’s not even the main map, the main map, The Final Reich is fun and has a lot to do. Somethings you can do are the main easter egg which is really fun, or try to kill different types of zombies. There are five types, normal, brenner, nuke, big guys, and pests. Each are unique in how they act and how they move, but if there is one thing I must praise it is the fact that they made it scary. Not jump out of your chair scary but while playing you just get this feeling of unease also zombies can just jump out of the floor right in front of you. If there is something I must complain about it is the tesla gun.The tesla gun, this thing is such a disappointment. It fires really slow projectiles and it does not even have a large AOE(area of effect for those uninitiated). You can also upgrade it into four different versions but they are not even that good or different from each other.

Overall the game is pretty fun it could benefit from more balance changes like buffing the armored class. It’s also becomes kind of  bland after the nostalgia wears off, but it’s still a good game. I’d recommend getting it but only if you have some friends that are also getting it or have it. This game gets really boring while playing alone.