Top 5 Study Strategies for Final Exams

Top 5 Study Strategies for Final Exams

Marquis White, Staff Writer

With the school year coming to an end, there is a lot of celebration in store. After months and months of work, students will soon get to soak in the glory of summertime. But with the celebration, also comes preparation. Testing begins soon, so here are the top 5 strategies to use when prepping for the upcoming exams.

Don’t be Afraid to Ask Questions

The main task when preparing for a test is to memorize. How can you memorize something you don’t know? If you don’t know something, ask. It only helps improve your chances of doing well.

Ask and listen. You’d be surprised at what you remember after having some guidance. No shame in asking for game.

Have a Method

No matter what, you should have a method. A trick. A strategy. Anything that helps you retain the information is most important. Having a method of some sort helps make your life twice as easier. You could test yourself, or have a friend help. Flashcards, quizzes, recordings, etc are all efficient methods that could help you when the time comes. Work on finding out what method is best for you and stick to it.


3 – Keep a schedule.


Time management is very important. During testing time, things can get very hectic. It’s hard to manage when and where you should focus on a certain subject. Take some time out to plan how much time you wanna dedicate to each subject. You’ll notice how much easier it is to maneuver through the study sessions. Studying is of no use when you’re only focusing on how you’ll manage to fit it all in.


Always stay rested and fed.


You can’t take a test if you’re half asleep. Sleep is highly important to the study/testing process. Rest fuels the brain, just as food does. It’s hard to function if your mind is tired and your stomach is hungry. Do yourself a favor and stay energized. It all pays off once you see the end result.


5 – Take your time.


It’s easy to get caught up in the moment during an exam. Unfortunately, nervousness comes with the territory. Try to keep your mind as clear as possible. Don’t let the anxiety rush you into things. Breathe, keep calm, and execute. Let everything flow. Once it all comes to you, things will become a cake walk. Believe in yourself.


Testing time isn’t exactly the best time for a student. But with these strategies, everything becomes easier. Follow the guide and tests will be the least of your problems.