How Is Covid-19 Impacting School Clubs?
Debate Club
October 8, 2020
As students are approaching the 2020-21 school year, most of them are thinking about what extracurricular activities they would like to get involved with. Whether it’s a sport, a club, community service, colleges love to see it all. Lindenhurst High School offers a variety of clubs ranging to so many interests. It just depends what’s right for you. These clubs are run by so many incredible teachers who help students learn new things outside of a typical classroom setting. However, things are a bit different this year.
In charge of all the unique clubs that Lindenhurst High School provides is Ms. Flannelly, one of the assistant principals. She explains how throughout this challenging time, all clubs are still running. The afternoon activities will either be held remotely, in-person, or even a combination of both. According to Ms. Flannelly, “the change will challenge students to adjust the way they usually operate and to do so in an even better way.” The situation our community is dealing with is in no way ideal, but it still could benefit the students in learning how to adapt to unlike situations.
Lindy clubs are so special for many reasons. Individuals are able to have fun, meet new people, learn new things outside of a standard classroom, build skills and character, socialize with others who share similar interests, give back to the local and global community, and most importantly impress future colleges and/or employers. When describing the many different advisors for these clubs, Ms. Flannelly says, “they’re so passionate about what they do and they love their students.” There’s a minimum amount of hours these teachers need to meet, but they exceed those hours because of the connection they share with the kids.
The Lindenhurst High School staff is making their best effort to still provide the excitement of extracurricular activities for their students. Remote experiences might not be quite the same as in person ones , but it’s about making the best of an unfortunate situation. “The clubs are still pretty fun. The students collaborate on so many ideas that it’s never a boring time” says Brooke Leimeister. With the help of peers and classmates, the clubs won’t be boring. All clubs are eligible to join, so why not go educate yourself a little more!
Here’s a link to list of club meetings!
Linda Flannelly • Oct 22, 2020 at 7:20 am
Nice job on this article Patricia!