Story Time on Google Meet
Julia Topsidakis reading her picture book to Daniel Street students.
November 28, 2020
The Key Club is a community service club which participates in many events throughout the year. So far in the 2020-21 school year, they’ve done a food drive, blessing bags, thank you cards for essential workers, a creek cleanup, and now they are reading to elementary school children. Daniel Street decided to take part in the Key Club reading to the students on Google Meet. CST asked Julia Topsidakis, a student in the Key Club, about her experience reading to the elementary kids.
Julia recently joined the Key Club this year and voluntarily read a children’s book for Mrs. Bachety’s third grade class at Daniel Street Elementary School. “I read the book, “I Wish My Brother Was A Dog,” which was about a young boy who dreamed of his brother turning into a dog and leaving him at peace. I personally chose this book because of the illustrations that appeal to the children’s sense of humor and how some of them can relate to the struggle of being an older sibling.” Julia told CST.
Now that students are working through a hybrid learning model, and some full remote, kids aren’t able to enjoy what school has to offer like they once could. “I voluntarily read to these children because I knew it would add some sense of amusement into their days as we are now learning hybridly. It was very enjoyable seeing their expressions so intrigued and focused while I was reading, with their faces so close to the camera. I would definitely do it again.”, Julia mentioned in her interview.
There were 20 readers and 12 teachers in total that participated in this fun idea. It was definitely a good way for the older kids to have fun with the younger ones while also being safe. The students of Daniel Street will for sure remember this day moving forward, especially because it was via Google Meet which is very new for them.
The CST also interviewed the teacher, Mrs. Berry, in charge of this incredible club to get some extra information about what they are planning on doing in the future. “After Thanksgiving weekend we’re starting a toy drive, and we’re hoping to do crafts with elementary students over Google Meet,” Mrs. Berry told the CST.
COVID-19 sadly got in the way of the Key Club being able to do their yearly trip to Good Samaritan Hospital on election day to do crafts with the kids. Also, last year the Key Club did something called a Teddy Bear Clinic at Harding Elementary School. With the limitations of the coronavirus, they wanted to find a way to incorporate the elementary schools of Lindenhurst.
Key Club is part of the Key Club International and a partner to Kiwanis. They manage to get amazing and beneficial things planned and done every year. Their only goal is the betterment of our school and home community. And it is safe to say that they are doing a great job at doing so.
Marcye Slutsky • Nov 28, 2020 at 8:20 pm
It is wonderful to see what the Key Club does with the children and community thank you for bringing this to the attention of the community…