Donald Trump’s First UN Speech

Edward Curry, Staff Writer

Donald Trump has been President of the United States for nine months now. He is rapidly experiencing all his “firsts” as Commander-in-Chief. Among many of his diplomatic trips to other countries and world organizations, Mr. Trump has arrived back to his home city, New York City for the 72nd Session of the General Assembly of the United Nations. Trump’s speech at the United Nations on September 19th was most definitely a speech like no other, compared to previous US Presidential speeches. Donald Trump’s key speech included the controversial North Korean regime leader, Kim Jong Un and other topics both domestic and foreign. Trump’s mention of North Korea was one of the highlights of his speech. President Trump referred to Kim Jong Un as “Rocket man” insinuating Kim’s recent missile tests in the Sea of Japan and the most controversial missile that was launched over Japan on September 15th. Mr. Trump stated in his speech that if North Korea doesn’t stop terrorising its neighbours, the United States will have no choice but to “totally destroy North Korea”. Trump also stated that this is not the first option against the North Korean regime.

Along the lines of regimes, Iran was mentioned in Donald Trump’s speech as well. Mr. Trump spoke about the nuclear arms deal between the US and Iran while Obama was President. Mr. Trump called out the deal as an “embarrassment to the United States” and urged the Iranian people to return to being a “center of civilization where it’s people can be happy once again.” Trump even spoke out about other current controversial countries including Syria and Venezuela. While Trump was calling out these nations, some Ambassadors at the quorum were noticed giving long stares and even ignoring the President during his speech.

Among domestic concerns, Trump began his speech thanking world leaders that helped with assistance and aid after the two recent deadly hurricanes, Irma and Harvey. He mentioned that the American people had and will remain strong and resilient when and after the storms struck the United States mainland. Mr. Trump goes on to mention that the United States is doing very well after the US election which was almost a year ago now. Trump mentioned that the stock market is at an all time high and that unemployment is now less than it’s been in 16 years. President Trump continued his speech, stating that companies are being brought back to America once again and that production on American soil is beginning as well. Also, Trump has mentioned that the US will be spending 700 billion dollars on the military armed forces and defense for America. Trump has stated that this spending will make the United States Armed Forces “the most strongest that it has ever been”.

Donald Trump’s speech was very unique (as said before) and now that he has spoken to one of the most important organizations in the world, world leaders can no longer turn a cold shoulder to him anymore. Mr. Trump continues putting forth his effort on a domestic and global scale and has brought light to some key issues in the United States and abroad during this speech.