Ms. Boerum Spreading Kindness


Sheyla Santos, Staff Writer

Many know her face but not her name- Ms. Boerum is a lunch aid who you may see often in the cafeteria. No matter what day it is, she puts on a smile and always enjoys greeting the students before they dine. You may catch her near the ID scanner or even wearing a funny costume on Halloween. 

She has been working at Lindenhurst High School for a couple of years now and she absolutely loves it. She makes sure everyone in the cafeteria is creating a safe environment for each other by letting students know that we must sit four to a table and clean up after ourselves. These rules, even though many may not take them seriously or follow them, create a lunch room where many students can relax and blow off steam from a long day. One of her great qualities is that she gives respect. She treats students like equals instead of looking down upon them as ungrateful children. As an alternative to screaming at students when they are not following rules, she speaks to them nicely to make them aware of their actions, and she politely suggests another alternative to make everyone happy. For instance, at lunch people are allowed to sit four to a table and if there are five Ms.Boerum will nicely find a table near the friends where the extra can sit at and still be able to have fun and follow the rules. 

Ms. Boerum even has conversations with the students to make sure their day is going along smoothly. Many may think this is not a big deal, however a check up on anyone can be critical for mental health even if it is a “hello” or a “how are you.”  She even tries to spice up the cafeteria as I said before by celebrating the seasons. On Halloween, Ms. Boerum wore these bright red rubber lips that made many students laugh and enjoy being in school on a holiday. 

All said Ms. Boerum is an amazing aid who genuinely loves the students and cares for her job. Many may not notice the difference she makes, but she is highly appreciated. So next time you see this ray of sunshine say ”hi,” start a conversation, and make a wonderful new friend.