Halloween Is Over, Is It Christmas Celebration Time Yet?

Diavona King, Staff Writer

Right after October 31st, it seems to be that Thanksgiving is completely off the calendar in people’s minds. Just walk into a store and you will see aspects of the Christmas holiday everywhere you look.

Mariah Carey, known as the “Queen of Christmas”, posted a video on Instagram to show her fans and the world how ready she is for the Christmas season. The video begins with her riding an exercise bicycle dressed up as a witch with Halloween music in the background. There are dates from calendars surrounding her resembling bats.

Once the bat with the date of November 1st on it flies to the screen, she transitions into a Christmas inspired outfit. There is snowfall surrounding her and jingle bells in the background. She yells in the video two simple words showing her excitement for the holiday, “It’s Time!”.
Since October 9th, Mariah Carey has posted multiple videos and photos showing her excitement for the holiday.

It really makes one think, where did Thanksgiving go? This is a question that circles around everyone’s mind, especially during this time.
Walk into any store, and everything Halloween themed has been swiped off the shelves and replaced with Christmas themed items. In fact, before Halloween, you could probably find Christmas items here and there in stores.

The holiday of Thanksgiving is valued by many, but the excitement of Christmas often shadows over the holiday. However, the question of if Christmas should begin being celebrated before Thanksgiving is controversial between many.
Three students from Lindenhurst High School were asked their opinion on the controversial topic. The question asked was, “Do you tend to get more excited and start celebrating Christmas before Thanksgiving?”.

A Junior from the high school said, “I feel there’s more happy energy surrounding Christmas. The holiday is easier to look forward to than just a lot of food,”.

A Sophomore from the high school said, “My opinion has to do with my hobbies and Christmas break. The time off from school during the Christmas season is longer than the Thanksgiving break. Also, Christmas time is the season for skiing, and I sometimes get to go skiing during the Christmas break,”.

The final person asked this question was another Junior from the high school saying, “To me, Christmas feels more like a season and a time that is celebrated for a while. Thanksgiving just feels more like a day no different than other days. Thanksgiving is probably my least favorite holiday and I don’t really think about it at all.”

From these quotes, it is clear that people often jump to celebrating the joyful holiday of Christmas before Thanksgiving. This can be for a variety of reasons such as from disliking the Thanksgiving food, doing your favorite activities during the Christmas season, or from how long of a break students have off from school. There are many factors that affect people’s opinions on this topic.
So, should Christmas be celebrated and thought about before Thanksgiving or not? There really is no clear answer, but it is a common debate that many talk about.
The Charles Street Times wishes the upcoming holiday season is a great one for you, and “May your days be merry and bright,” as Michael Bublé would say.