In April of this year, a new show dropped on Netflix called Baby Reindeer. This show is based on a true personal story in which the main character,Richard Gadd, is the real person who went through everything the story addresses. The show in itself is extremely complex, so it is important for viewers to pay attention to the point of the show, as major takeaways can be missed.
The show Baby Reindeer itself is about Donny, who is the character resembling Richard Gadd, who works at a pub and one day gives a woman,Martha, a drink on the house because he feels sorry for her since she looks upset. This interaction leads to Martha’s untold obsession with Donny, and she begins regularly stalking This one interaction then spirals into the story, which becomes Martha stalking him. Donny becomes aware of this and proceeds to not tell the police for six months following the incidents of her stalking. The show does a good job of telling that story in such a way that the viewer sees firsthand how these awful subject matters happen and how even the smallest acts can lead to such insane points in your life. It’s a captivating story that is getting the recognition it deserves.
With a show that focuses heavily on stalking themes, Martha is able to do everything she does to Donny. You’d think audience members wouldn’t try to find out who the real Martha and other characters in the show were. However, of course, that’s not what happened. It didn’t take a while for the fanbase of the show to try and find the real people who were characters in the show. This has led to the real Martha going on to do a whole interview on her side and with those who were part of a story that has already affected their own lives. Doing this isn’t doing anyone a favor. It is good to want to speculate and want to know more about a story, and it’s not a bad thing to want to know more. But to go out of your way to put those on blast who were actually part of such a sensitive story like this without their consent is in no way respectful.
After watching the show, it is important to understand the complexity and realness of these events in the life of Richard Gadd. This show allows for the revival of such awful moments that happened previously, although providing entertainment was hard for the real-life people as well as the community surrounding Richard Gadd.
Hannah • May 30, 2024 at 12:47 pm
I totally agree. The fact that she got an interview with Piers Morgan is crazy. People should realize that their actions can harm others.
Madison McCormack • May 29, 2024 at 4:53 pm
This show was very good and was very complex. It probably took a lot for Gadd and the people surrounding him to make this show happen because of all of horrible things that occurred.