Camila Medina, Staff Writer
Camila Medina is a freshman at Lindenhurst High School and new to The Charles Street Times paper. Camila is Dominican and Puerto Rican and was born in the Dominican Republic. Camila is a part of a family of five, including her: mom,dad, older brother, older sister, and younger sister. Camila enjoys sticking by herself most of the time, and enjoys doing activities outside of school. Out of school, Camila draws, listens to music, and plays piano and guitar. Camila’s favorite subject is English, which is why she took journalism. She's always enjoyed writing, so writing about more interesting topics is what brought her to write for the school newspaper. Camila is hoping to pursue a career path that includes writing and drawing one day. Camila loves all music genres besides country. Camila is excited to write articles and is hoping to continue taking the course throughout her years of being in Lindenhurst High School.