Peer Leadership in Action

Riley McCandless and Hailey Vazquez

Peer Leadership has been busy with so many new activities to not just help the school but the Lindenhurst community as a whole. During Thanksgiving time we wanted to help a family in need. As a class, we collected food, treats, snacks, and more for a family. Not everyone can afford things like this. We wanted to give a family time to have food and be together. Another thing that our class is so lucky to do is a clothing drive. Kaelyn McCandless has started a foundation called Kaleyns Krusaders, her foundation is to help children impacted by cancer. Her next fundraiser is a clothing drive. We are collecting clothes from our class and families. 

We’ve been very involved in High school such as going into the 9th-grade classes and speaking about social media. We got in-depth with social media from cyberbullying and safety to even ways to help others through social media. We wanted to get to the entire 9th on a personal level because we know how hard these past couple of years have been and how prominent social media has become especially with schools using remote learning. One of our absolute favorite activities to do in Peer Leadership is to work with the Life Skills students and have fun lessons with them where we teach and elaborate on ideas such as; 

communication, self-esteem, goal setting, safety, emotions and so much more. We have many events and fundraisers coming up such as meeting with Daniel Street school students and working with them in their classrooms to more dine to donate fundraisers on the rise. 

Stay tuned throughout the year for any updates and exciting news!                                       

Follow us on our journey through our instagram 😉 @lindypl_2022