Lindenhurst Orchestra Supports Ukrainians


Nicolina Bilella

Since the Covid-19 outbreak, there has been no orchestra trip to Disney.  The musical classes’ trip to Argyle theater show Punk Rock Girl was the first step towards a substantial field trip.  The date for the trip to Disney is to be announced, but there are usually fundraisers to lower the costs. 

The most current fundraiser is held held by Mrs. Lombardo, the String and Symphony Orchestra teacher. The fundraiser looks to sell packets of sunflower seeds to help support UNICEF. It is inspired by the Ukrainian lady who went to a group of Russian soldiers and gave them some sunflower seeds.  According to Whiskey Riff, she told them, ““You’re occupants. You’re fascists. What the___ are you doing on our land with all these guns?  Take these seeds and put them in your pocket, so at least sunflowers will grow when you all die here.”  The significance is that sunflowers are the symbol of peace in Ukraine.

Each pack is being sold for $5 and the funds are being donated to UNICEF (United Nations Children’s Fund).  Currently, the orchestra made $530 dollars from the 100 bags in stock.  Mrs. Lombardo states that some people contributed more towards their purchase.